
A professional development blog by Andrew Exler. Highlighting experiences, wisdom, success stories, failures and everything in-between.

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Social Media, Business, Digital Marketing Andrew Exler Social Media, Business, Digital Marketing Andrew Exler

Social Media 101 for C-Suite Executives: Why It Matters & Getting Started

This one is for the C-Suite Executives and major decision-makers. If you don’t fall into that category (just yet), but you understand the importance of social media for a business, pass this along to the right person.

To the C-Suite Executives & Decision Makers of the world, in this edition of #TheGroundFloor, I feel compelled to share something that might not be on your radar but absolutely should be: social media. I understand that for many of you, the world of hashtags, likes, and posts may not seem too important and far removed from the core focus of your business. However, I'm here to show you why social media is a crucial tool for your brand and why hiring the right professional in this domain is a smart move. So, let's dive into Social Media 101!

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