
A professional development blog by Andrew Exler. Highlighting experiences, wisdom, success stories, failures and everything in-between.

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Email Andrew at andrew@andrewexler.com!

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Guest Contributor, Motivation Andrew Exler Guest Contributor, Motivation Andrew Exler

Stay The Course - Plans Change & That's OK: David Kaplan, General Assignment Reporter, WTAE

In the first video blog interview of #TheGroundFloor, Andrew Exler sits down with David Kaplan, General Assignment Reporter at WTAE in Pittsburgh. David shares a bit of his story growing up & how he got into his career.

David highlights the advice he wish he could go back and tell his younger self, especially noting that everything will work out in the end.

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Motivation Andrew Exler Motivation Andrew Exler

Know Where You Are

When starting your own business, it’s easy to make every excuse not to take the time to step-back and review your progress. Thanks to some great advice, I’ve made sure to journal how far I have come in business & life.

Are you ready to start tracking how far you’ve come or have you already started? Whether it be in regard to your business, education, career progress, leadership positions, etc., it is key to track where you are.

Enjoy this weeks blog post of #TheGroundFloor with some my top tips when it comes to knowing where you are!

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